Power Shell and Power BI – beginning of a journey

Governance and Monitoring of Power BI with Power Shell As part of any Power BI development it is important to understand how users are engaging with Power BI and how they are using it.  This allows you to understand what matters to them and to allow governance of the activity.  To be able to manage […]

How to show Column Distribution within dataflows and why it matters

Dataflow Error. One of my dataflows failed this morning and gave an incorrect data type as the error.  On first glance at the dataflow, all of the columns seemed to be ok and there were no error messages showing in the query pane.  However, when you first load the dataset the Column profile only shows […]

Paginated Reporting Date Formatting

Date Formatting. Sometimes the date format doesn’t follow through from Power BI or allow you to change with a set date format using the Date formatting option.  To get around this you can click on Custom fx and choose format from the Text options.  You can then specify the formatting you want to use. Formatting […]

Finding the item referred to in the Error Message in Paginated Reports

Naming of Items within a Paginated Report. Working within Paginated Reports can be both rewarding but also frustrating.  Rewarding because you can literally format or create additional calculations on any field within the report within any object.  However, once you start to build up many different objects (tables, matrixes, graphs, text boxes), each of these […]

Using a relative date within Power Query to apply logic to a column

Relative Date formatting based on another column. Sometimes you might want to apply a specific logic to filtering a date column either by using another column or another relative date.  For example, only show me items that have happened within the last 45 days.  If you want to do this, then Date.AddDays is your friend.   […]

Repeat Column Headers on a Paginated Report Table

Column Headers – how to ensure they repeat. When you have a table that runs over two pages or more, it makes sense to repeat the column headers of that table to aide visibility.  It’s incredibly frustrating to have flip back and forth and could ultimately lead to errors when reading the report.  There is […]

Tabular Editor to display DAX code in Measure Description

Why would you need this? It is recommended best practise to separate a Power BI report into two parts.  One that includes the structure of the report, the imported data, the model with appropriate relationships and the key measures.  The second part contains the visual element of the report. The reason for doing this, is […]